For more than 40 years, our company has been focusing on clients who run regional and international businesses.

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Special audits

We offers a number of additional services to provide individual solutions

Special audits

Leistungen Wirtschaftspruêfung Sonderpruêfungen

In addition to annual audits of financial statements which are prescribed by legislation, Gräwe & Partner conducts voluntary and special reviews, and reviews of specific one-time and recurring special issues. In addition, Gräwe & Partner offers a number of additional services to provide individual solutions.

During audit procedures, we become familiar with your company. That enables us to identify and point to problematic areas early enough before they can actually negatively affect the earnings of your company.

Our experts conduct comprehensive and custom-tailored audits in the following areas:

  • audit of IT systems for secure data processing
  • audit of operating processes and internal control systems
  • audit of risk management and monitoring systems
  • audit of credit standing and share portfolios, including balance sheet analyses and rating methods
  • audit of founding and rehabilitation concepts
  • audit of licensing fees (DSD, Interseroh, etc.)
  • analyses of transfer-pricing, cost allocation, and royalties

Have you been working with a trusted consulting partner for a special project? No problem. Gräwe and Partner will be happy to assist you with financial reporting or will provide an expert opinion.


About Gräwe & Partner

Gräwe & Partner is an international, mid-sized auditing, tax advisory and business consulting firm from Bremen, Germany. For more than 40 years, our professional company has been focusing on serving clients who run regional, transregional and international businesses; with accredited auditors, tax advisors and professional consultants providing solutions and devising strategies in the auditing, tax advisory and business consulting field.





Gräwe & Partner
Wirtschaftsprüfer · Steuerberater

Eduard-Schopf-Allee 1
28217 Bremen

+49 421 277 19-0
+49 421 277 19-77

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